Environment Protection Laboratory

Work Environment Examinations

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Analysis of entrusted specimens

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Over 30 Years of experience

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Overall environmental examinations

We conduct overall environmental examinations in the following areas: noise emissions from the installation, industrial plants and units of motorized recreational (eg, motorboats, jet skis, boats) and respirable asbestos fibers.
  • Did you know that asbestos dust can cause respiratory diseases: asbestosis (asbestosis), benign effusions, lung cancer and mesotheliomas. These diseases occur in people occupationally exposed to high doses of asbestos dust, but also in people exposed pozazawodowo, such as staying / living in areas heavily contaminated with asbestos dust
  • Did you know that inhaled human respirable fibers into the lungs can not be expelled from the body. Initiated the process of developing a disease caused mechanical irritation of lung tissue, often manifested asthma and persistent cough, it takes a very long time, an average of 20 years


  • Wykonujemy badania frakcji respirabilnej krystalicznej krzemionki (kwarcu i krystobalitu) w powietrzu metodą spektrometrii w podczerwieni (FT-IR).

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